Monday, June 27, 2011

Adjusting to life in Jeremie

Hello Everyone! I have been very busy over the last couple days. I have started to have some preliminary conversations with pregnant women about their experiences with prenatal care. I think I am going to focus on how the social issues surrounding pregnancy affect when a women first comes in for prenatal care. I have gotten to go out on some more rural health posts in the mountains. The days that we go out are long. We leave early and the posts are extremely busy. Even at the smaller posts there are at least 100 people waiting for us when we arrive. Everyone is always exhausted on the way home.  The drives to get out the posts are usually at least an hour long, but they feel longer because the roads are so bad. Although I can't complain, the views are spectacular! Some of these villages seem a million miles from civilization it is hard to believe that HHF has been able to set up a health care system there.


Anyways I am having a wonderful time in Jeremie. I am starting to find my own way around the city on foot. People here are generally pretty friendly and I feel safe walking around. Jeremie is full of hills so walking is also kind of a workout for me. I am adjusting well to the heat; it is great to never get cold! Another thing I like about Haiti is that there is toilet paper in every public place I have been. Seriously, if Haiti has toilet paper everywhere then Paris has no excuse!

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